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fortune888 发表于 2008/7/16 16:23:00
A female comes off night duty, a man tags along after conspires, the female really feared, passed by the grave, gets a sudden inspiration, said to the grave: The daddy, I came back, opens the door.The man fears greatly, wah wah yells flees.The female feels at ease, is just about to leaves, suddenly transmits the cloudy deep sound from the grave: The unmarried girl, you has forgotten the belt 鈅 spoon.The female is panic-stricken, also wah wah flees.By now drilled speaking of from the grave which robbed a grave: Depends on, delays me to work, scares to death you! Robs a grave the voice just fell, side discovered had an old man to take the chisel to engrave the tombstone, curious, asked it, old man said angrily, NND, they engraved mine name mistakenly ......Robs a grave to fear greatly, wah wah calls to flee.Old man sneers: “Depends on, dares to snatch business with me, but also the tender spot ......” was saying, incautiously the chisel falls in ground, old man is just about to ascends, as soon as bends the waist, discovered the chisel grasps in the thick patch of grass in a hand, old man is being startled, the sudden sound said: “You court death! Randomly changes my family's house number plate number!!”.Old man the scared shitless, rolls down the hillside! By now a junkman's crawled from the thick patch of grass, “his mother, did an iron also to have to spend the such big god.

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